Research Topics


(Co-habilited team ISARA Lyon and University Lyon 1)

BIODYMIA, was created on January, 1st. 2011. The team is under the supervision of both University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and ISARA Lyon, and is the resultant of the grouping of LRGIA (Laboratoire de Recherche en Génie Industriel Alimentaire- Lyon 1 University) and EMC (Ecosystèmes Microbiens Complexes -ISARA Lyon).

The laboratory has 2 locations : on Agrapôle (Lyon-Gerland) for ISARA and on Alimentec (IUT Lyon 1, Bourg-en-Bresse). The research activities gather 25 persons, including 12 academic researchers.

Photo : ©Eric Le Roux/Communication/UCBL

BioDyMIA is developing activities from basic research to applicative goals, thorough studying the mechanisms involved in the biopreservation of foods. Biopreservation concepts are based on the exploitation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts, molecules or biological agents (microorganisms such as those contributing to the preservation of traditional fermented foods or bacteriophages). This allows BioDyMIA to propose innovative approaches inspired from the observation of interactions between microorganisms and their environment.

Application fields of these innovative biopreservation routes include i) the hygiene of surfaces during food processing and ii) the design of innovative materials (for example antimicrobial packaging).

- Lyon adress (ISARA) :
ISARA, Département Production Agro-Alimentaire et Qualité, Agrapôle, 23 rue Jean Baldassini, F-69 364 Lyon cedex 07
Tel : +33 (0)4 27 85 85 85
Fax : +33 (0)4 27 85 86 37
E-mail :

 - Bourg en Bresse address (IUT Lyon 1) :
Technopole Alimentec, rue Henri de Boissieu, F-01000 Bourg en Bresse
Tel : +33 (0)4 74 45 52 52
Fax : +33 (0)4 74 45 52 53
E-mail :